Areas of Expertise

Business & Family Protection Solutions
We’ve all heard of insurance solutions; life insurance, critical illness, disability income replacement; and variations of each one that is used to solve different problems. But what’s right for you? Furthermore – what solutions do you need at various stages of your business’ life cycle and your family’s growth?
The problem is that without an experienced guide who specializes in working with the entrepreneur, you may end up with protection or a plan that doesn’t quite fit your needs. To make matters worse you likely won’t find out that your solution isn’t the right one until years later; making changes difficult, expensive or even impossible.
These issues start with family and reach to key employees, business partners and so on. Let’s make sure you have the right pieces in place.
The time to find out your safety net doesn’t work properly is not after there’s a death or illness. Be sure to have your insurance portfolio audited regularly.
If you are unsure how much insurance you would need to protect your business/family click here for a rough estimate. This tool should not replace an insurance audit or recommendations from a licensed advisor.

Family Business Transition Planning Process
You got into a great business. How are you going to get out?
Your business IS going to transition – with or without you.
Wouldn’t you rather control the outcome of that event? After all, you’ve invested years of time and money into building a successful business.
Avoiding or postponing the planning process because it seems too complicated or you just don’t know where to begin could damage the health of your business, and leave you with fewer options for a successful and lucrative exit.
According to the Exit Planning Institute in Chicago, 60% of Small Businesses end in DISASTER, having to take the EMERGENCY EXIT because they never PROPERLY PLANNED an ORDERLY business transition.
There are about 400,000 small businesses in Ontario. Over 50% are owned by people over 50. They all want to maximize their wealth.
Only 25% actually have a plan.
If you don’t have one yet – don’t worry, we will help you create the one that’ right for you.

Maximizing & Realizing Business Profits
Many business owners we meet are worried because so much of their net worth is tied up in the value of the business. If there’s no strategic plan for business profits to be invested with the ‘end’ in mind; most owner-operators simply either leave too much in cash in the operating company, or they just buy more real estate.
Neither of those options is categorically wrong – other than the liability exposure on cash – yet the question remains: “Is that the best course of action for your long-term goals?”
Further, if the business is growing and creating free cash that you’re investing (in real estate, etc.), you could be creating more tax problems that will come back to bite you down the road.
Then there’s the problem of new tax legislation that continues to overreach into your corporate and personal pocket. How do you navigate all those moving parts?
You need a plan that will deal with these issues by incorporating the most up to date solutions.
So what do the most successful entrepreneurs do? We will introduce you to some impactful ideas that the wealthiest routinely utilize to tax-efficiently grow and protect their wealth, yet ones that remain largely unknown by most successful owner-operators.
With an overall roadmap that takes into account your personal and business long-term goals, you’ll be in a better position to make decisions that will benefit you more completely and you won’t have to worry about changing your course of action later, at potentially great expense.

Legacy & Tax Planning
We will all leave behind a legacy of some description. Most often the word “legacy” refers to financial wealth and yet it is our values, our family stories, and our influence that will have as much, if not more impact. We must remember that the values the next generation holds will guide how that financial wealth is stewarded.
How important is enduring family wealth to you? What does it mean? What kind of impact do you want to have on your family? What about your community, your employees and customers?
Many times I hear business owners say that they don’t want to leave ‘too much’ to their children, as it might ‘ruin’ them.
Yet wealthy families think 100 years out! Dynasty families started with one… someone with a vision.
Could that be you?
We can help you create a vision of the preferred outcome you’re looking for, and with the right road map, tax planning and forethought, bring it to life! Your action plan may even include guided family meetings, education for heirs on financial management, leadership, governance and other areas.
Even if you do want to limit the amount of wealth that gets to your heirs – we’ve never met a successful business owner that wants to leave lots of cash for the government to grab! By acting now, you can significantly discount your estate costs and make life much better for those who have to manage your affairs after you’re gone.
Dynasty families know how to multiply their wealth 3x, 5x, 10x; by purchasing future dollars with only a few cents! We can show you how they do it!

111-3365 Harvester Road
Burlington, ON L7N 3N2